Drip Calculator 
- Helps you Measure and Estimate Water Wasted Due to Leaks

Drips per Minute (small/slower leaks)
Simply count the number of drips in one minute from the leaky fixture.
Note: 5 drips per second amounts to a steady stream.
Enter number of drips per minute into the box below and click "Calculate Water Wasted."
Gallons wasted per Day
Gallons wasted per Month (30 day)
Gallons wasted per Year
"Bucket and Stopwatch Method"
(large/more rapid leaks)
Hold an eight ounce cup under the dripping fixture and, with a stopwatch, time how long it takes to fill the cup. 
Enter the total time in seconds into the box below and click "Calculate Water Wasted."
Gallons wasted per Day
Gallons wasted per Month (30 day)
Gallons wasted per Year